Saturday, April 10, 2021

Pushed into Politics

 Remember when America was only great and before it was going to be made great again?

Remember when we had presidential elections every four years and between them we didn't think much  about Washington or the Commander in Chief unless he was coming to town for a visit and we knew traffic was going to be backed up for a couple of hours if that even mattered because he was not coming to our neighborhood anyway?

Remember when we occasionally glanced at a Senate or Congressional race and paid little attention to any election smaller than that?

We usually knew who the mayor was and maybe the County Executive, but beyond them people hardly knew who was elected to what, and usually didn't care. As long as the lights stayed on, the water flowed, the snow got plowed and the garbage got collected.

We are in a new world.

Our lives are dictated by internet communications and every time you turn-on your device you see politicians yelling or complaining or warning about some issue or about the other party. Politics (and politicians) are all over the place. They have become like the gum that gets stuck on your shoe.  You don't know where it got there and it's too sticky to get off and you really don't want to touch it. Then when you get it off your right shoe, another glob gets stuck on your left shoe.

We are being pushed into politics, whether we like it on not.

Every month it seems, there is an election someplace that needs your attention (and money). We used to have election "season" every four years. Now we have election weather. It hits us one way or the other everyday and feels like there is nothing we can do about it. Although with climate change there may be something we can do about the weather, but that's another discussion.

How about a Political Pause? From May 1st to June 1st politicians, political parties and PAC's are prohibited from advertising or discussing anything. The advertisement space on your homepage will be a politics- free zone for one month. The work of government, or lack thereof, will continue but they are not allowed to talk about it out loud. Or online.

Sure some big business will loose some money, but they will make it up in July by raising your streaming rates.

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