March 24, 2015
My father died two
years before his body died.
Alzheimer's robbed
him of his participation in the world, robbed him of his love for his daughter
and grandchildren and robbed him of his dignity and independence.
In order to cope with caring for him and
finding places to get help, I had to take a reporter's attitude and stand back
from the situation so I could clearly see what was going on. I had to put my
emotions aside to watch my father slip away, little-by-little every day. That way I could make the tough decisions of
what care center to put him in and where the money to do that would come from.
That way, I could talk to a man I no longer knew and who no longer knew me.
Only when I saw him
lying in his bed in the last nursing home, looking like he was asleep but
knowing that he was not, did I let my strength drop and cry.
When I heard about
the Alzheimer's Advocates going to Washington, D.C. to lobby for resources to
help scientists find the cause, treatment and cure for the disease. something
clicked for me.
My Daddy was always
an activist. Most of the work he did was behind the scenes, but because of the
causes he took up and the people he helped, things happened. I think my father
was whispering in my ear: "get up and get busy".
For him... for my
children... maybe even for me, I put on the purple sash and got involved.
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