How to write a story...
A couple of years ago, my sons and I visited a vice president at 20th Century Fox so they could pitch their idea for a new movie. This was a terrific opportunity for them and Mitsy Wilson, the VP and another VP for script development sat with them for over an hour!
Bottom line, they did not sell the script, but were strongly encouraged to keep working on it and re-submit it when they were finished. They were a little too young to really appreciate the opportunity, but they did take away one big lesson... stay in school!!
They were also given a gift of a DVD set by Robert McKee who teaches script writing in Hollywood and runs seminars all over the world. At the time, we did not listen to the DVD's, being busy with middle school, high school and work. But, just this week we began to listen to them while riding in the car. #1 son and I listened to it on our way to see the movie "The Immortals" and after watching the film, came to the same conclusion... nice special effects and computer graphics... not much story.
The good part is, he is thinking about writing again and may go back to that script "Dinoville" that he started so long a go and pitched to FOX. And, not only that, but I am inspired to get out those scripts I wrote in college and while doing TV news and take another swing at them.
You may finally see our stuff on the screen! Stay tuned!!
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