Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hello? Oh, No...

Sometimes I feel sorry for telemarketers.  They cold- call hundreds of unsuspecting Americans everyday and probably in many cases, get rudely rejected by people who are just answering their phones. Telemarketers have a tough job.  But... sometimes you get called by one who knows how to make a phone call work and close a sale or prospect.

 That was the case of a woman who called me a week or so ago and kept me on the line for several minutes. She began with a smile in her voice and a friendly "how are you" to me by name.  We chatted about the weather for about 30- seconds, then she got down to the reason for the call... health insurance. I was willing to listen, since she was nice to me. I did not follow through to the next step in the telemarketing system, but had a nice chat. Do telemarketers get paid by the number of calls that get answered? By the number they transfer to the next person who tries to make the sale? I don't know... actually, I don't care.

But today, I got a call from one of the rudest telemarketers, ever. Not only did she end the conversation when I said I was not interested, but kept the line open long enough to sneeze, cough and gripe to the caller probably sitting next to her, about not convincing me to buy.

A word to all telemarketers from a person very experienced with talking to people with electronic equipment: every mic = a live mic.  Be careful what you say when you think nobody can hear you!

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